Sunday 21 June 2015

Crafty DIY Gift: Watercolour Bookmark!!

Hiya guys!  Happy Sunday and to all you pops out there...
For this week’s post I thought I’d blog about what I made my lovely pops for Father’s Day!  I wanted to make a gift instead of buying one, like I did for mama for Mother’s Day.  So, I made something that he would use…a bookmark!
Like myself, my dad prefers actual books to eBooks and Kindles etc. so obviously a bookmark would be useful.
As I mentioned in my previous post, I had a wee shopping day last week and got a good haul of art supplies…so, I thought I’d make use of one of the things that I bought!  And this was a good wee crafty project for it as my dad loves painting, so it was a good way of incorporating the artiness into the making of the bookmark!
What I used:
·         Watercolour paper (cut to 18cm by 4cm)
·         Paint brush
·         Cup of water
·         Aqua markers

·         Masking tape
·         Gold sticky back paper
·         Stamp and ink set
Bookmark idea!
I was trying out the aqua markers to see how they work and what I could do with them, and this was one of the ideas.  Kind of like when you have a hand written piece of paper and it gets soaked/splashed with water and the ink goes a bit blotty.
I decided to put extra water on the paper and hold the paper vertical so the water would run down the page, picking up some of the colour pigment along the way.  It turned out quite cool, actually!
The Bookmarks!
DIY Bookmark set #1!
I added a gold accent to the watercolour design
DIY Bookmark set #2!
Using masking tape to create a straight clean edge between the paper and the colour!
DIY Bookmark #3!
Using the stamp and ink set to write out a quote about reading! 
I intentionally only meant to make one bookmark but I got a wee bit carried away and ended up with loads!
However, this is not a bad thing as my dad has a few books on the go at any one time!!
Anyway guys, thank you SO SO much for reading!  I really hope you enjoyed this post J and I will catch you all next time!
As always, have a fab week and take care! Xxx

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